Read comments about the Life Phase Spirit in the National Woodcarving magazine - "Woodcarving Illustrated". Scroll down to Cottonwood.
At the time of this posting, there are 2 pages of Comments.
My last comment on page 2 should get some pretty good responses.
Someone once told me never to get into an agument with someone that buys their ink by the gallon. Well, this little Newspaper Editor carving and I have had a running agument from the time I removed the his first chip! First, I said that he was too stiff and board-like. He said that if he stood any other way that he would not stand up without falling over. I said that I was going to cut off his legs and attach them at a different angle so he didn't stand so straight and like a board anyway. He said that now due to the angle of his legs, a gap was left that would have to be filled and everyone would be able to see it. Next, I said that his arm was not at the angle that it should be and that I was going to saw it off and reattach it. He became indignant and said that he sure was not going to stand on his own now due to the shift in the center of his gravity. As his final agument he said that now I had really done it and by making all the changes that I had made, I had put on too much paint to cover all the changes and filler etc. Also so that he was too glossy. I told him that I would let the folks on the message board decide!During this running argument with the editor I carved a Kansas Woodspirit.He didn't say a word...what a relief.
Read the Comments in the Woodcarving Illustrated.
Scroll down to Cottonwood.