At Santa's North Pole Elf compound, and among all elves of the world, all honest work is celebrated and found honorable no matter how menial or rooted in simplicity it is. The little Popcorn Stringer is one such elf that is honored every year by Santa. He is the only elf that is allowed to travel the lightening speed trip around the world with Santa each Christmas Eve night and Christmas morning.
Santa not only enjoys his company, but on behalf of all those that have simple jobs, Santa honors the little Popcorn Stringer.
Believe it or not, there are still places on earth where Christmas is not celebrated until Christmas morning after a period of prayer, fasting and preparation to receive the Christ, whether as a holy infant or a King coming in glory. In those special places the celebration of Christmas often is done very frugally and accompanied with many prayers.
The Christmas tree in those homes are left undecorated until the children, upon returning home from church, to their wonder find it decorated with oranges and strings of popcorn.
Santa takes the little Popcorn Stringer to attend to every detail of decorating these special homes where the true spirit of Christmas resides.